
Companies are an important actor in building a fairer society. We have the opportunity to make a social commitment by helping the most disadvantaged people. If we improve the world, we improve our company and the people who comprise it.


From February 24 to March 5, our CEO, Esteban Xam-mar, joined the Humancoop NGO Commission to Bir Moghrein, in northern Mauritania.

During the Commission, a group of 34 volunteers (dentists, clinic assistants, family doctors, pharmacists and laboratory staff) have covered more than 700 patients, also providing health care to gold mine workers, who live in a very precarious situation.

A team of social workers has organized projects at the school. In addition to promoting the training of teachers as health agents, they have carried out activities for the children, created a library and promoted disease prevention programs.

Engineers from the NGO Uplanet have installed faucets for the children's hygiene. The water treatment project by Uplanet volunteers continues and is working to improve both the quantity and quality of drinking water.

The authorities and the entire team of volunteers carried out a symbolic act of cleaning the streets of the village to promote a green Bir Moghrein and thus improve health prevention.

The deputy Mohamed Salem presented our CEO with a plaque on behalf of Dynamic Abutment Solutions for his work and commitment to improve the health situation. For us, it is a grain of sand; for them, hope.


In early December, Dynamic Abutment Solutions CEO Esteban Xam-mar once again joined the HumanCoop team for a new Commission in Bir Moghrein, Mauritania.

During the Commission, more than 600 patients were served. It was hard work, but a great reward for the 34 volunteers of this team of doctors, nurses, dentists, laboratory staff, dental technicians and other professionals.

In addition to providing quality medical care, water treatment was carried out, which allowed us to quadruple the capacity of drinking water, and other educational activities and actions were developed with the aim of promoting better health in the community.

From DAS Solidarity we remain committed to this town and with the desire to do things differently.


From February 24th to March 7th Esteban Xam-mar, CEO of DAS participated together with a committed team of 23 Dentalcoop / Humancoop volunteers in a new commission in the north of #Mauritania, in #birmoghrein, to give medical assistance to Mauritanians and Saharawis living in the area.

Two days of travel, 1,200 kms by Jeep through the desert to give assistance in general medicine, dentistry, dental prosthesis, gynecology, pharmacy and laboratory, attending in 5 intense days to more than 800 patients.

Being already a fixed destination, it has been possible to open a chronic program, which will help to improve the health of these patients in the medium and long term.

Every action counts and can make a difference in the lives of many people.


Esteban Xam-mar, CEO of Dynamic Abutment Solutions has carried out a new expedition in Bir Moghrein together with 23 volunteers from DentalCoop/HumanCoop who, once again, have travelled thousands of kilometres to provide multidisciplinary health care to the most remote places in Mauritania: general medicine, pharmacy, gynecology, laboratory, dentistry and dental prosthesis.
More than 3 and a half days of intense work to visit more than 500 patients and give them a chance to improve their health.
As companies we have to commit ourselves to create a better world and with this small contribution we are helping the people who need it most.


On May 7th, our CEO Esteban Xam-Mar traveled with the medical commission of Humancoop, the NGO with which he has been collaborating for many years, to the center of Mauritania, to the city of Chenguetti in the Sahel. In this commission cases of ophthalmology, dentistry and dental prostheses were attended and treated, both medical and surgical.




Our CEO, Esteban Xam-mar, was present as a volunteer at the 1st DentalCoop/ HumanCoop Commission in Mauritania. As part of the group of dental technicians that made up the expedition, they placed prostheses to improve the dental health of the patients they attended.

We are very proud of our CEO's work on this expedition, something that reinforces the Dynamic Abutment Solutions' commitment to making the world a better place.



Dynamic Abutment Solutions has made a donation to DentalCoop for the acquisition of an ultrasound scanner necessary for the medical commissions carried out by the association of volunteers for dental health.We are very proud to be able to collaborate with these actions that help improve the health of those who need it most.Let's keep going!



Esteban Xam-mar, CEO of Dynamic Abutment Solutions, has participated in the XXX Dentalcoop commission in Meharies, Sahara. 

"I Training Commission" in which, apart from providing health care to the population, training workshops were held for the Saharawi health workers as well as workshops on oral hygiene and recreational activities for the school children.






Esteban Xam-mar, CEO of Dynamic Abutment Solutions has participated in the DentalCoop Sahara project: ‘I Prosthesis Commission in Tifariti’.

A project that stands out for its humane vision as many nomadic Saharawi people in this area suffer partial or total tooth loss, due to the consumption of very sugary tea, little or no dental care and an almost total lack of awareness of oral hygiene.

Dynamic Abutment Solutions made a donation of dental material to carry out the project.



Dynamic Abutment® Solutions has collaborated with the donation of food to the Food Bank of Lleida.

It is a pleasure to collaborate with social entities such as the Food Bank that fights against poverty and waste of food resources. Esteban Xam-mar, CEO of Dynamic Abutment Solutions, was in charge of delivering the food.



Virginia Woolf, 17 · 25005 · Lleida
Tel. +34 973289580


In TALLADIUM we offer products that feature advanced design and high durability, providing the maximum added value and a total service, acting as partners of our customers.

We also offer engineering services from our R&D department to design, develop or improve the products.


Our innovative and of constant improvement spirit takes us to continuously manufacture new products, services and processes of high level of quality and technical complexity to compete among the best, to create value and to be unique for our customers.

Be a reference in the dental medical sector.

This winning culture will be oriented to the search for innovative ideas and projects.


 COMMITMENT: with the general project of the Company, values and an own business culture. Doing things well and not seeking the immediate benefit but the continuity and sustainability of the Company over time.

FINANCIAL AUTONOMY: With the conviction of the company continuity and sustainability, we demand a responsible and rigorous management of the economic resources.

We promote the reinvestment of the benefits that the Company generates for the progress and future of the same.

EMPLOYEE WELFARE:  We value and appreciate all employees, since we consider human capital the main resource of the Company. Accordingly, we want to encourage a satisfactory working atmosphere, an excellent working climate and healthy lifestyle that make TALLADIUM a good place to work.

 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: We have the will to contribute to the improvement of our social and cultural environment, for this reason we believe in the following principles:

* Respect and awareness of the environment, thus we conduct our activities complying with current environmental laws and making efficient use of natural and energy resources.

* Tolerance and respect for the freedom of thought.

* Improve the welfare and quality of life of society.

* Solidarity with the most disadvantaged segments of the population.

PROFESSIONAL ETHICS: We understand that the creation of value in a sustainable manner requires an ethical behaviour based on honesty, transparency, integrity, professional secrecy and loyalty to our customers and suppliers.

All members of our Company must respect and guide us by these principles internally for the exercise of our professional activities and daily obligations.

INNOVATIVE AND OF CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT SPIRIT: To achieve the continuity of the Company over time, we cannot settle for what we have. We need to constantly improve with new technologies, training of staff, optimization of processes and each of the members of the company as the best professional.

QUALITY: Search for excellence in our Products and services (oriented by the balance between quality, functionality and cost)

TEAM: A firm and decided commitment for young people, providing them with the necessary training for their professional development, since they are the future of the Company.

TEAM SPIRIT AND TEAM WORK: The objectives of the Company are a success of all. Communication, solidarity, sharing and disseminating knowledge, joining efforts and talents, companionship and teamwork are essential values to achieve our goals. Therefore, we will always put the interest of the common, collective and global good of the company in front of the individual.

THE CULTURE OF EFFORT: The capacities and abilities are given, the effort is what allows us to maximize the human potential that we all carry within.

To achieve objectives and goals as ambitious as those of our Company, talent is as essential as this culture of effort.

STRATEGY: Constant search of new materials, products, processes and automated services for the development and innovation of high-level technological healthcare products in the dental sector.

Differentiation of the competition through having quality products and offering the customer new alternatives and optimal services adapted to their needs.

Be a reference in the dental medical sector through a strategy of incremental and radical innovation of products, services and processes.

Know the evolution of the environment through Technological Surveillance: the evolution of the market, technical, political, economic and social aspects.

Employ the Competitive Intelligence to reduce the risk in decision-making and improve the information available by the organization both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Culture of innovation that encourages the participation and motivation of the workers, through a collaborative environment and continuous training.

Continue being rigorous in the fulfillment of the professional ethic and respect for the environment.

Quality and R&D&i Policy